Do You Know: What is a Direct Stock Purchase Plan?

Aug 06, 2022 By Triston Martin


A direct stock purchase plan scheme enables investors to buy stock shares directly from corporations. Despite not being offered by the vast majority of publicly traded companies, Several of the biggest and most well-known businesses in the US, including Campbell Soup, Coca-Cola, and Starbucks, offer direct purchase plans.


For instance, opening an account online through Computershare, a direct-purchase agency that oversees share purchases for various businesses, costs $15 when buying shares from Costco's warehouse retailer. Costs for buying shares at Costco range from $3.50 for a single investment to $2 for each transaction, plus an additional fee of about 3 cents per share. The minimum investment for a new investor is $250. For recurring purchases or from current shareholders, it is lowered to $25.

This is one benefit of direct-purchase plans, which allow you to purchase only a portion of a share. Costco stock was trading at $540 or more per share in the final week of November. A $25 minimum investment could be used to purchase approximately 0.045 of a share (or 1/22nd). 3 In most directly share-purchase programs, the maximum investment is capped. For instance, the ceiling in Costco's Costco plan is $250,000 annually.

Direct Stock Purchase Plan: What Is It?

What is a Direct Stock Purchase Plan? Direct purchase programs may be established by some businesses to enable investors to acquire stock directly. Investors only need to go directly to the business and choose the shares they think are worth purchasing. You can accomplish this by using the provided plans. Transfer agents handle stock purchases made directly. Third-party organizations known as transfer agents manage purchases, distribute certificates, and carry out administrative tasks. For novice investors, this DSPP is perfect. Because investors must pay between $100 and $500 to enroll, it is less expensive. The issue is that because direct purchase plans aren't liquid, investors must sell their shares but are unable to do so.

Advantages of a DSPP

This can be done to raise funds. It fosters stability within your shareowner base, attracts long-term investors, and raises the community's sense of loyalty and trust. Additionally, it offers you a chance to speak with shareowners directly.

Direct Stock Purchases' Drawbacks

Additional Costs and Fees

Brokerage fees may be eliminated with direct stock purchases. However, other fees, such as transactions or sales, could be imposed.

Reduces Portfolio Variety and Restricts Trading Options

Direct stock transactions take place between a buyer and a particular company. Direct stock purchases are restricted to one stock, but brokerages might provide hundreds of possibilities. It reduces portfolio diversification and restricts the buyer's trading options. In direct stock acquisitions, since the prices are average, it is challenging to estimate the worth of each share before purchasing. Because of this, predicting the direction of the market and selling are both challenging tasks.

Direct Stock Purchase Plans Limitations

In the early days of online investing, DSPs were seen as a fantastic deal because you had to pay significant management or trading fees to fully-service brokerage firms when you wanted to buy shares. But some of the benefits of DSPs are already waning as internet investing has become less expensive. However, the benefit is no longer necessary because most stocks are now in electronic format on the broker's computer system, identified by their street names. In other words, paper certificates have almost disappeared. DSPs are therefore less valuable today, even though the concept is appealing.

Concerning the Dividend Reinvestment Plan

A direct investment in which investors reinvest their dividends is the most well-known and well-liked. With dividend reinvestment, investors can use their dividends to purchase additional shares of the same business. You can construct a DSPP to rapidly buy shares if your investments have been in companies that pay dividends. The dividend reinvestment program is where you can then invest these shares. By increasing your stock holdings at the time of dividend payment, this plan enables you to invest your dividends in cash.


Investors may purchase equities directly from the company under the Direct Stock Purchase Plan (DSPP). Starting the DSPP costs relatively little money. Some DSPs are cost-free, while others have low fees. They provide long-term investors with a simple and effective way to acquire shares over time gradually. Investors can buy fractional shares through DSPPs for less than $25. When buying direct purchase plans, investors are unsure of the actual cost of the shares. Plans may restrict trading options and tactics and are only offered by a small number of organizations.

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